Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Blog 14 Reducing The Risk Of Assault

I chose option # 1---What can a woman do to reduce her risk of assault? One of the key safety precautions that a woman can take to reduce the risk of assault is to avoid going places alone, such as malls, bars, sporting events and numerous other places. Sex offenders prey on females traveling alone. She can also avoid picking up hitchhikers. A countless number of women have lost their lives, picking up strangers. A woman can also park her car in well-lighted areas with security cameras to reduce the risk of assault. Another extremely important rule to follow is to always have her keys in her hand upon approaching her vehicle. They can be used as a weapon to ward off the attacker. A long time ago, people used to believe that if a woman dressed conservatively, instead of provacatively, that it would reduce the risk of assault. That turned out to be a myth. No matter what type of clothing a woman wears, if a predator encounters her traveling alone, especially in secluded places, he will assault her.


Cassy's Big Blog said...

I agree with what you have stated. I also think that if more women would take a self-defense class, they would walk with more confidence at night. If a woman is by herself at night, she can ask security to walk her to her car if the area has security. It also helps to talk to someone by a cell phone when walking alone to a car at night.

michelle whitehead said...

I also agree with you. You and I had some of the same ideas for a woman to prevent her from being attacked. A lot of times talking on a cell phone does help a woman from being attacked. But now sometimes it does not matter whether it is day time or night time a prederator will still strike. But they will especially do the attacking at night because they know the woman will not be able to identify them when push come to shove. And they also some women are not paying attention to at night, so sometimes they catch a lot of women off guard. Women just have to be careful.

Jessie said...

I think you offered some good points. When I was growing up my mom's advice was always the same. One; it's better to die fighting than getting into a car when someone is assaulting you. And two; poke 'em in the eyes and run like hell. I'm not quite sure if the second piece of advice is practical but it always made sense to me. Nothing hurts more than getting poked in the eye and if you hurt their eyes then they can't chase you because they can't see. Fortunately I've never had to use either piece of advice but I know I've already started teaching my girls those 'famous' pieces of advice!