Thursday, March 1, 2007

STD's In Society

I have always equated STD's with immorality, promiscuous behavior, and low social status, until about a year and half ago. My sister was constantly feeling tired and weak. She went to her physician; and, they drew blood and conducted a series of tests. They told her that she had Hepatitis C. They asked her if she had used drugs or shared needles with anyone, or had surgery in recent years. She stated, "I have never used drugs; but, I did have surgery about two years ago." The physician told her that she had obviously contracted Hepatitis C through the blood that was given to her after her surgery. She lost a lot of blood, and was given four pints. She had to take strong, expensive medication, and take shots twice a day for one year; because, of the hospital staff's negligence in testing the blood, that was given to her. So, after that, I stopped associating STD's with immorality, promiscuous behavior, and low social status. I knew that she has never been that way at all. It is very easy to believe that someone with an STD has been having sex with multiple partners and are lower class individuals, most of the time, it is true, but not in all cases.


Anonymous said...

It is easy to turn your back and believe that getting an STD is only something that happens to people who mess around, and as some people believe “deserve it”. I have heard people say that the “people getting STDs are getting what they deserve or have earned,” but that is such a wrong statement. There are tons of people like your sister, some even young children who have gotten STDs in ways that have nothing to do with sex. Society seems to hold opinions of people with STDs without even knowing the truth, that it does not mean the person is immoral and that it could happen to anyone no matter what their lifestyle or background is. It could happen to anyone’s sister, brother, mother, father, child or friend. It is not picky in who it chooses to infect.

Brenda said...

I know this is late to be replying now, but I just wanted to say you are so right when you say STDs are not picky in who they choose, and most of them can be transmitted without having any sexual contact at all.