Sunday, March 25, 2007

Factors Contributing To Healthy Choices

Some of the most important factors that contribute to making healthy decisions in life are the desire to live longer for yourself, as well as your family, and to serve as a role model for people with unhealthy eating habits. The best ways to avoid cardiovascular disease and cancer are to eat healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, avoid smoking and get yearly physical examinations. It will encourage them to do the same thing. Seeing others die of cardiovascular disease and cancer, especially at an early age, from smoking and eating foods that are high in cholesterol should definitely motivate you to seriously take care of your body.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Challenges to Regular Exercise and Diet

Some of the biggest challenges that I face to regular exercise and a healthy diet are maintaining the motivation to continue them, once I have started, avoiding deserts, bread, and the practice of eating late at night, after I get home from work. Each time that I've started a diet, after the first week, I get bored with it, and find a million and one excuses to discontinue the exercise and diet program. One of the last biggest challenges, that I face, is being able to proportion my foods in moderation. I love good food; and, I love to eat.
Over the next five years, I plan to join an exercise group, such as Curves, so that I will have other people to motivate me. I also plan to avoid eating deserts made with sugar and other fatty foods. One of the main things that I plan to do is to stop eating late at night and to alleviate eating after 6 P.M. , as suggested by the dietician that I used to visit.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Getting Old

One of the main things that bothers me most about getting old is the fact that the rate of metabolism gets slower; because, the slower the rate of metabolism, the harder it is to shed unwanted pounds. Another concern that I have about gettiing old is the possibility of getting Alzheimer's disease. I am terrified of the thought of memory loss associated with it.
One of the most satisfying thoughts of aging is the on-set of menopause, and the reality of the dismissal of the dreaded monthly period. Having already gone through menopause is wonderful.
Another great aspect of getting old is being more experienced and wiser regarding decision-making ordeals. The best advantage of all, is being able to retire from work; after, many long, hard years on the job.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

STD's In Society

I have always equated STD's with immorality, promiscuous behavior, and low social status, until about a year and half ago. My sister was constantly feeling tired and weak. She went to her physician; and, they drew blood and conducted a series of tests. They told her that she had Hepatitis C. They asked her if she had used drugs or shared needles with anyone, or had surgery in recent years. She stated, "I have never used drugs; but, I did have surgery about two years ago." The physician told her that she had obviously contracted Hepatitis C through the blood that was given to her after her surgery. She lost a lot of blood, and was given four pints. She had to take strong, expensive medication, and take shots twice a day for one year; because, of the hospital staff's negligence in testing the blood, that was given to her. So, after that, I stopped associating STD's with immorality, promiscuous behavior, and low social status. I knew that she has never been that way at all. It is very easy to believe that someone with an STD has been having sex with multiple partners and are lower class individuals, most of the time, it is true, but not in all cases.