Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Blog 13 Problem with Alcohol or Drugs

It is definitely a sign of strength for a woman to admit that she has a problem with alcohol or drugs. It takes a considerable amount of courage for a woman to admit that she could be addicted to controlled substances. At first, it might be difficult to admit, because to admit that she has a problem, to some women, is a sign of weakness. The first step to recovery is to admit that she has a problem and solicit the aid of family, friends, and a drug/alcohol treatment facility to overcome the addiction. Once she enters the treatment program, she should continue, until it is complete. Once she completes the drug/alcohol program, she can remain drug-free by distancing herself from environments that contain the substances.

1 comment:

michelle whitehead said...

Sometimes it is hard for a person to stay on a straight path but they should have faith that they can do it. Some people just need gudiance and that extra push to make things happen. They need to sometimes feel loved and wanted then maybe they would consider their behavior.